What’s the difference between the four arms and extensions?
The HSW (Hinge, Short, Wide) is a hinged arm with a short hinge and a wide or standard profile arm. The hinge mechanism is a double hinge. It allows the arm to position to the conductor. It allows for downstrain applications, it is very versatile.This is a two piece assembly. The hinge and the arm adapter are attached to the insulator cover in the factory. The arm is then installed after the insulator cover is installed and pinned. There are two different types of hinges, short and long and they are dependent upon the insulator cover design.
The HLW (Hinge, Long, Wide) is a hinged arm with a long hinge and a wide or standard profile arm. The hinge mechanism is a double hinge. It allows the arm to position to the conductor. It allows for downstrain applications, it is very versatile. This is a two piece assembly. The hinge and the arm adapter are attached to the insulator cover in the factory. The arm is then installed after the insulator cover is installed and pinned. There are two different types of hinges, short and long and they are dependent upon the insulator cover design.